Dog walkers took to the streets this morning to protest over plans to ban them from beaches.

Around 150 people, most with dogs, marched from the beach at Kemp Town to the Palace Pier before moving on to Brighton Town Hall.

Brighton and Hove Green councillor Ben Duncan was one of those taking part.

He said: "There was a good turn out and clearly something a lot of people feel very strongly about.

"The suggestion for the ban is potentially discriminatory to dog owners by stopping them from going on to the beach and I very much hope it does not come into force."

More than 1,000 people have now signed a petition calling on the council to drop its plans to stop dogs going on the city's beaches between May and September.

The petition will be presented at the next full council meeting at Hove Town Hall on Thursday (mar 13).

A similar march held last Saturday from Hove Lagoon attracted around the same number of walkers.

TV presenter and Hove resident Zoe Ball is also supporting the campaign.