A thug who terrorised a neighbourhood has been identified online and taken to court.

The teenage yob was arrested after a couple he threatened confirmed his identity using social networking web site Bebo.

The 17-year-old hurled abuse at Timothy and Janice O'Reilly before smashing Mrs O'Reilly's camera and spitting in her husband's face.

Mrs O'Reilly, of King Edward Avenue in Hastings, was trying to take a photograph of the thug and his pals to use as evidence against them.

But the teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, smashed her camera to the ground. He then attempted to goad Mr O'Reilly into hitting him and spat in his victim's face.

The cowardly youth fled when police were called to the scene.

Mrs O'Reilly remembered the boy's distinctive name because his friends had shouted at him while he threatened the couple.

She later used his name to find him on Bebo, a virtual world where youngsters upload photos of themselves and send messages to each other.

The photos the youth had posted online confirmed his identity and Mrs O'Reilly contacted the police.

She told The Argus: "All his friends were calling out his name.

"It only took a few minutes to find his profile on Bebo. All his personal details were there, plus a list of his friends and loads of pictures."

Mrs O'Reilly had been keeping a two-year diary of antisocial behaviour in her area, including incidents of criminal damage and under-age drinking.

A neighbour said: "We've had a lot of trouble around here.

"Under-age youths often drink on the streets and cause havoc.

"They have no respect. They swear and spit and throw things.

"Hopefully this will act as a warning to them."

The youth, who has previous convictions for assault and being drunk and disorderly, initially denied the charges.

But Hastings Youth Court ordered him to pay Mr O'Reilly £50 for spitting in his face and £200 for breaking Mrs O'Reilly's camera.

A spokesman for Sussex Police said: "This proves how neighbourhood policing can help solve antisocial behaviour problems."