A new lifeboat is to be unveiled in time for a station's 150th anniversary celebrations.

It will be joined by Fairlight, Hastings' most famous lifeboat, during the week long celebrations next month.

Hastings will receive the brand new lifeboat, funded entirely by donations, before the station's 150th birthday celebrations kick off on April 5.

Named Daphne May, after Daphne May Lovegrove, a life-long supporter of the RNLI who raised money for the institution for more than half a century in Rye and Winchelsea, the inshore boat will go into service on April 5, 150 years to the day since the RNLI first began to operate in Hastings.

The boat was built at an RNLI boatyard on the Isle of White.

The new Hastings boat is both faster and better equipped than the present one.

It will have a top speed of 25 knots (30mph), a range of three hours at maximum speed, and better radio and navigation equipment to help crews respond more quickly to search and rescue operations.

Last year the inshore boat launched 28 times and rescued 23 people.

Hastings coxswain Martin Philips said he was thrilled at the prospect of the new boat.

He said: "It's great news. The generosity of the Lovegroves and everyone who donated means we will now have our new inshore lifeboat and enough money to maintain it and train the volunteer crews who use it. I'd personally like to extend a big thank you to all those who made this possible."

Hastings' most famous lifeboat, Fairlight, made a return to the town earlier this month and will be playing a big part in the anniversary celebrations.

The boat was stationed in Hastings between 1964 and 1988. During those 24 years she was launched more than 200 times and saved the lives of 144 people.

After being withdrawn form Hastings she went to St Ives in Cornwall before joining the RNLI's relief fleet.

She now sits proudly beside the lifeboat house, where she will stay for the duration of the 150th birthday celebrations.

Mr Phillips said: "Fairlight is a huge part of the history of the RNLI in Hastings. She'll be the local star of our 150th anniversary and we couldn't wait to welcome her home."