In trying to spin a gay-friendly image for the Tories on Brighton and Hove City Council, K Dyer (Letters, March 4) says of Peter Willows: "Some of his party colleagues are gay and last summer the Conservatives took part in Pride. I don't think any other party has ever done this.

As far as I'm aware we have no gay councillors in Labour or the Green Party in Brighton and Hove."

Obviously this correspondent hasn't been to Pride and seen the strong presence of Labour MPs, councillors and activists marching and running stalls over many years, in contrast to the sparse Conservative presence.

The number of gay Tory or Green councillors past or present can be no more than two or three, while over the years the Labour group has had many councillors who have represented the LGBT community and welcomes anyone from the city's large lesbian and gay population who might wish to follow in their footsteps.

However, parties should be judged on their record and Labour has one of delivering on equalities that it can be proud of.

  • Lis Telcs, Freshfield Street, Brighton