A BUS company says it will continue to run services at current levels despite the start of a third national lockdown.

Brighton and Hove Buses say it will operate non-schoolday timetables in the city, with schools being advised to move to remote learning by the city council this week.

A spokesman for the company said: "We are continuing to provide services at current levels until further notice subject to some changes to school services in some areas as requested by our local authority partners.

"In Brighton and Hove we are operating non-schoolday timetables (one bus on route 72 will continue to operate). 

"Due to the increased risk of infection in the community, please continue to follow the Covid-19 safety guidelines very closely by wearing a face covering throughout your journey.

"If you are legally entitled to exemption from wearing a face mask and cannot do so, please show your exemption card or lanyard to the driver.

"Please use the hand sanitiser provided; keep windows open and maintain social distancing.

"Please respect the decision of our drivers if they advise that the bus has reached its reduced capacity limit."