A MURDERER who slayed his lover at her home by bludgeoning and strangling her has been jailed for life.

Jayesh Gobar killed Nelly Myers in a “savage attack” at Court Meadow Close in the village of Rotherfield on December 17 last year.

The 36-year-old Gatwick baggage handler had met Ms Myers, 58, through her work at the airport as a British Airways customer desk worker.

She was “besotted” with him, but despite their passions, brute Gobar attacked Ms Myers and wanted her cash to fuel his drug use.

The Argus: Jayesh Gobar killed Nelly Myers in Rotherfield. Picture from Sussex News and PicturesJayesh Gobar killed Nelly Myers in Rotherfield. Picture from Sussex News and Pictures

Ms Myers’ son James described how Gobar became “darker and darker” as he took away her confidence.

Her son said Gobar’s lack of remorse on trial at Hove Crown Court was the “final betrayal” and said the motive for the killing was “senseless”.

She had suffered many injuries that were more consistent with her being in a car crash from blows rained down by Gobar kicking, punching and stamping on her.

The Argus: Nelly Myers was murdered in RotherfieldNelly Myers was murdered in Rotherfield

Ms Myers’ estranged husband Kevin Myers identified her body and said she had bruises all over her face and said: “That is a memory that will be with me for the rest of my life.

“She had obviously died a brutal, slow death. I cannot comprehend the brutality of her death. She was a strong woman and would have fought for her life. But she didn’t stand a chance.”

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At Hove Crown Court Judge Christine Laing QC imposed a life sentence, with a minimum term of 27 years before Gobar can be considered for parole.

A year earlier he had throttled her in her home and robbed her for money.

Gobar was jailed and put under a restraining order not to contact her.

But the court heard how their dalliance carried on after he was released from prison.

That was until last December, when Ms Myers went to pick him up from work and took him to her home in Rotherfield where she had lived for 29 years.

The Argus: The scene in Court Meadow Close, RotherfieldThe scene in Court Meadow Close, Rotherfield

Witnesses heard sounds of a disturbance inside the property.

Gobar was seen on CCTV fleeing the area and trying to get back to his Crawley home.

But when Ms Myers’ son James raised the alarm, Gobar was arrested by police.
They found her blood on his trainers that he was still wearing.

He had also taken her coat from the house, which was found stuffed in a wheelie bin at his home. It also contained Ms Myers’ blood.

Inside the home scientists found Gobar had spat in several rooms amid signs of an “unpleasant” argument between them.

The Argus: Police forensics officers at the scene in RotherfieldPolice forensics officers at the scene in Rotherfield

Glass was found shattered into a thousand pieces and the oven door was cracked.

Ms Myers was found dead in her hallway, and a bloody footprint was also found inside the property, linking Gobar to the murder scene.

A clump of her hair was found in the hallway, suggesting Gobar had ripped it from her in a fit of rage.

The Argus: The scene of the murder in RotherfieldThe scene of the murder in Rotherfield

Gobar, of Moorland Road, Maidenbower, claimed the couple had enjoyed a night together and said he was not responsible for Ms Myers’ death.

But the jury convicted him of murder.

He will now spend a minimum of 27 years, minus the time already spent on remand, behind bars, before he can be considered eligible for parole.