THE man accused of murdering his lover spat in several rooms in her home, a court heard.

Jayesh Gobar, 36, allegedly killed Nelly Myers, 58, in a “fit of rage” at a property in Court Meadow Close, Rotherfield.

He claims he stayed with Ms Myers, who was “besotted” with him, and they had in fact enjoyed their evening together.

But Hove Crown Court heard how her body was found in the hallway and the property was left “ransacked”.

Gobar’s saliva was found spat in several rooms inside Ms Myers’ usually well-kept home in December last year.

The Argus: The scene in Rotherfield as police launched a murder inquiryThe scene in Rotherfield as police launched a murder inquiry

Richard Hearnden, prosecuting, told the court Gobar, a baggage handler at Gatwick Airport, had wanted money from Ms Myers to feed his drug habit.

Forensic scientists found her blood on the trainers he was wearing when he was arrested a day later.

Her coat was found stuffed in bins at Gobar’s home in Moorland Road, Maidenbower, Crawley. 

And scientists also found traces of her blood on jeans he was wearing, the jury was told.

The Argus: Jayesh Gobar is accused of murder. Picture from Sussex News and PicturesJayesh Gobar is accused of murder. Picture from Sussex News and Pictures

The court heard from forensic scientists Neil Wilson and Robert Smith.

Mr Wilson analysed Nike trainers worn by Gobar at the time of his arrest which showed signs of both airborne blood contact and direct blood contact.

Meanwhile Mr Smith said saliva was found in several rooms inside the house from Gobar.

Mr Hearnden told jurors this was the sign of an “unpleasant disturbance” at the property, in contrast to Gobar’s claim that the pair had enjoyed each other’s company.

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He said: “Officers were very suspicious that the blood on his shoes was the victim’s blood. 

“He didn’t wipe the blood off, he was still wearing the same shoes the next day. Of course, if he had a motive, you may expect him to have cleaned them, and not to have been so careless.

“But Jayesh Gobar is not a professional killer. He had murdered Nelly Myers in a fit of rage in order to steal from her and feed his drug habit.

“It doesn’t follow that he would have been organised and have had the presence of mind to have hidden evidence. Jayesh Gobar had simply not noticed that there was blood on his shoes.”

A bloody shoe print was found inside the property, the prosecutor said.

The Argus: Jayesh Gobar denies the murder of Nelly Myers in Sussex. Picture from Sussex News and PicturesJayesh Gobar denies the murder of Nelly Myers in Sussex. Picture from Sussex News and Pictures

Mr Hearnden said that Ms Myers, who was a British Airways customer service desk worker, had met Gobar and said the pair had a “irregular, turbulent, and passionate acquaintance”.

They met in 2017, but in April 2018 Gobar was convicted of robbing Ms Myers in a violent attack. He had throttled her and choked her and said: “I will f****** kill you.”

The Argus: Nelly Myers was found dead at her homeNelly Myers was found dead at her home

Gobar was jailed for the incident and put under a restraining order not to contact Ms Myers, who was estranged from her husband Kevin, a British Airways pilot.

But she contacted him, and their encounters continued.

Mr Hearnden said there was evidence she had been both bludgeoned and strangled.

Gobar denies murder and the trial continues.