A scooter rider has been banned after he struck a woman walking at a zebra crossing.

Abd Allah Facanha Mahmoud Mansour rode a Piaggio in Vernon Terrace, Brighton, without due care and attention.

He caused injuries to a 71-year-old woman at the crossing near the Seven Dials.

The 26-year-old Brazilian appeared before Brighton Magistrates’ Court after admitting careless driving on January 26 this year.

He did not have a valid licence or insurance.

District Judge Tessa Szagun was not impressed and noted Mansour was “responsible for an accident that amounted to serious injuries to that person”.

She noted Mansour had shown “no remorse” or “responsibility”.

He was “under the impression that the reason the accident occurred was because of the rain”, the court heard.

The judge banned Mansour, of Wickhurst Road, Southwick, for three years and said it was needed for “public protection”.

She fined him £1,060 and also ordered Mansour to pay a further £50 surcharge and £85 costs.