A STARGAZER was among dozens fined for breaching the coronavirus lockdown after driving to a beauty spot.

Motorists driving to Sussex were told their journeys were not essential and forced to head for home.

Police said that 74 fixed penalty notices were issued in just over a week.

It included one driver travelling from Essex to Chichester to pick up a Bonsai tree at 2am.

Meanwhile officers said they stopped a driver from London heading to Beachy Head to take pictures of the stars.

They also stopped someone from Manchester driving with a child to visit a friend in Brighton, and a Londoner attempting to visit a friend in self-isolation who was showing coronavirus symptoms, the force said.

One driver even went outside a police station in the middle of the night to sound his car horn in a bid to “waste police time”.

Temporary Chief Inspector Simon Burroughs said: “Please take a moment to think about the impact your actions during the coronavirus crisis are having on public health.

“We want you to be able to look back on this challenging time and be proud of your efforts to protect the NHS and save lives.

“We’d like to give a huge thanks to those doing their bit and following the guidance.We’re asking those considering coming down from other counties to stargaze, go on road trips, visit friends or for any other unnecessary reason to stay at home.”