A KNIFE-WIELDING mugger was arrested by an off-duty police officer.

Two knifepoint robberies took place in Horsham town centre early yesterday morning.

A man being mugged with a knife outside Barclays Bank, Carfax called the police just before 2am.

The thieves told him to hand over his phone, bag, bank card and cash.

Minutes later, a second man called the police, saying he had been threatened with a blade by two men in the same area. He had no belongings on him and the men left empty-handed.

Two men were later arrested on suspicion of robbery.

One was held by door staff and an off-duty British Transport Police officer.

Another was arrested an hour later.

Sussex Police said the men, aged 20 and 21, both from Horsham, have been released on conditional bail.

Chief Inspector Sarah Leadbeatter said: “Thanks to the bravery of the members of the public and the swift actions of our officers, we had two men arrested within an hour and a half of the first call coming in.”

“We continue to work together with partners and the local community to ensure Horsham remains a safe place to live and visit and that this kind of public place violence will not be tolerated.

“We are supporting both victims and our investigation into these matters is ongoing.”