A DISTRAUGHT pet owner launched a volley of abuse at vets then spat at a police officer when her dog collapsed.

Marika Markovicova was drunk when her dog started fitting in Brighton.

At the Coastway Vets centre in Freshfield Way she abused staff and was asked to leave.

She called one staff member there a “b****” and said the staff were “useless”.

When police were called the 34-year-old fled, only to return 15 minutes later to continue her tirade of abuse via the intercom.

She damaged a door window before being arrested and taken into custody, where police found cannabis

At Brighton Magistrates’ Court, it was revealed that Markovicova spat at PC Newman in the face. She said if her dog died, it would be the officer’s fault.

Suzanne Soros, prosecuting, said the incident happened at 8.15pm on July 14 last year.

The prosecutor said: “She demanded that the vets do their job. She became abusive and shouted at them, calling one worker a b****. One vet could smell alcohol on her breath.

“Police were called and she ran off. Staff assumed she had gone, but 15 minutes later she was back on the intercom, telling them they were useless.

“Staff could hear the door being kicked and a bang. When police arrived it was clear that she was drunk and a window was cracked. In custody police were concerned about her breathing. When they woke her, she inhaled and spat at the officer.”

PC Newman said: “I had attempted to help her, trying to ease her distress. I understand that when a pet is suffering, but I don’t go to work to be assaulted, least of all when I’m trying to alleviate her distress.”

Christopher Maynard, defending, said his client had drank pints of cider for lunch then wine later on in the afternoon.

He said: “She is not accustomed to drinking that much, and can’t remember how she got home. The dog had been out with her and collapsed on the floor, fitting and vomiting.

“So her distress was magnified by the alcohol.”

Mr Maynard said Markovicova, a Slovakian national of Sadler Way, Brighton, uses cannabis for back pain, and felt “ashamed” of what happened. She has worked as a coffee barista for Mojo Coffee in Lewes Road for the past four years, and has no previous convictions. Mr Maynard said it was an isolated incident.

Markovicova admitted assault on the officer, criminal damage and possessing cannabis.

District Judge Amanda Kelly told her: “I understand you were under a great deal of distress when you attended the vets, but your behaviour was wholly unacceptable. You were drunk, abusive, and used highly offensive language to people trying to help you and to make matters worse you spat at a police officer.

Markovicova was ordered to complete 120 hours of unpaid work, with £100 compensation to the PC and £100 to the vets, with £85 costs and a £90 surcharge.