MEDICS in Brighton and Hove are receiving daily updates on coronavirus.

No cases have been reported in Brighton and Hove but family doctors are keeping watch for symptoms and any sign of the virus spreading.

Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) chief nursing officer Allison Cannon said that her team was working with Public Health England on the local response to the threat from the virus.

She told the CCG governing body that a “task and finish” group had been set up to ensure hospitals and GPs (general practitioners) were clear about what was expected of them.

She said: “We have been focusing a lot of attention across our teams and our providers over the past two weeks.

“The World Health Organisation declared a public health emergency and the chief medical officer has raised the risk to the public from low to moderate.”

She said that the CCG’s work behind the scenes was not about fuelling concerns but was focused on “being prepared for all eventualities”.

She added: “We are receiving calls to the CCG asking for clear guidance around information, infection control and support.

“Any other information is cascaded down through emergency planning and resilience teams with clear guidance on whatever we need to do.”

Two isolated cases of a new form of coronavirus have reached Britain after the initial outbreak in Wuhan, China.

The two people are members of the same family who were staying in a hotel in York and are currently being treated in Newcastle.

Coronavirus causes respiratory infection and for most people it may be no more serious than a common cold.

But the latest outbreak of the virus, also known as novel coronavirus, can be lethal as were previous mutations known as SARS and MERS.

CCG clinical chair Andrew Hodson said: “It’s helpful as the changing emergency response is important as we put up one poster and then a different one goes up as it’s changing all the time.”

Dr Hodson added: “The immediacy is really important.”

The CCG’s website advises people to use tissues, bin them and wash hands with soap and water.

Novel coronavirus information can be found on the CCG website at