A CANDLELIT vigil was held this evening to mark the UK's departure from the European Union.

Large crowds gathered to light candles at the Peace Statue in Hove to express their sadness on the evening of Brexit.

Pro-EU campaign group Brighton and Hove for EU (BH4EU), who organised the event, said they wanted to give people a chance to come together to show "solidarity with EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU" as well as to share their hopes for the future.

The group said the event was "a reminder that 16 million people voted to stay in the EU, and many of those most affected, including young people, EU citizens living in the UK and Brits living in EU countries were disenfranchised in this monumental decision".

Choirs from Brighton Early Music Society sang the EU anthem Ode to Joy in German and English, and there were speeches from councillors Tracey Hill and Leo Littman.

Labour Councillor for the Hollingdean and Stanmer Tracey Hill tweeted: "Speaking at the Brighton and Hove for Europe seafront vigil this evening. Massive crowd.

"Very moving. My learning: never shy away from a difficult conversation. You have to fight for what's important or you could lose it."

Fran Hill, 69, of Chester Terrace, Brighton, said: "It was a very thoughtful and moving occasion.

"Obviously it's a sad moment but I think people were lifted up again in a way, as we're going to move forward now.

"The issues or equality and tolerance and everything Brighton stands for are not forgotten."

Earlier today, Labour MP for Hove Peter Kyle tweeted: "So fellow Remainers... I share your sadness tonight. But tomorrow let's get cracking - our country needs our patriotic zeal for putting our Britain's values into action in an open, cooperative, and internationalist way more then ever before."

The UK will leave the EU at 11pm this evening.