A TRAVELLERS’ group has criticised Government plans to give police the power to seize property and vehicles from unlawful camps.

The Conservatives have proposed making trespass a criminal offence in a bid to crack down on unauthorised encampments across the country.

Currently trespass is only a civil offence, meaning trespassers can be sued for damages but cannot be arrested or charged.

Brighton Travellers’ group Friends, Families and Travellers said the plans were

“dangerous and discriminatory”.

“It is clear that the proposals would have a devastating impact on gypsy and traveller communities, who have been part of British life since before the 16th century, yet face some of the greatest inequalities of any group in England and Wales,” a spokeswoman said.

“Criminalising families who have no place to go is inhumane and wrong.”

The group also criticised Home Secretary Priti Patel’s comments claiming unauthorised camps “can cause misery to those who live nearby, with reports of damage to property, noise, abuse and littering”.

The travellers’ rights group’s spokeswoman said the statement “tars all gypsies and travellers with the same brush”.

“The Home Secretary’s assertions focus on the behaviour of a minority,” she said.

“This is dangerous and discriminatory rhetoric.

“If property damage, noise, abuse and littering truly are the Home Office’s concerns, we know that there already exists reams of criminal law to prevent and punish this.”

In September last year more than 50 caravans set up a large camp on Hove Lawns before being moved on by the police.

But Friends, Families, and Travellers said the only way to prevent illegal camps was to provide legal sites for gypsies and travellers to park their vehicles.

The only legal travellers’ camp in Brighton is a 33-space site next to the A27 called St Michael’s Way.

All 12 permanent pitches on the site are currently occupied, with 13 temporary spaces remaining.

A Home Office spokeswoman said: “The public wants their communities protected and for police to crack down on trespassers.

“Unauthorised encampments can cause significant distress for settled communities and perpetuate a negative image of the travelling community, the vast majority of whom are law-abiding citizens.

“Our proposals will strengthen police powers to ensure encampments can be challenged and removed as quickly as possible.”