A terrorist trainer who camped in the grounds of a Sussex Islamic school told an associate of Abu Hamza that the July 7 London bombings were "not even a breakfast" for him, a court heard.

Mohammed Hamid, 50, was secretly recorded talking to Atilla Ahmet, 43, a close associate of jailed preacher of hate Hamza, at the Jameah Islamic School near Crowborough.

Yesterday, jurors heard how Hamza and another jailed preacher, Jamaican-born Sheikh Abdullah al-Faisal, had spoken at meetings organised by Hamid and Ahmet's circle.

Hamid denies soliciting murder and a string of terror offences while Ahmet has pleaded guilty to three counts of soliciting murder.

The Special Branch detective who infiltrated Hamid's group told the court how he was invited to the Jameah on July 22 last year.

Hamid and Atilla Ahmet were both camping in the grounds of the school with their wives and children, Woolwich Crown Court heard.

The undercover officer - known as Dawood - had taped Hamid and Ahmet talking about the July 7 London bomb attacks that claimed the lives of 52 commuters.

In the recordings, played in court, Ahmet appeared to talk about ending his life.

He complained about feeling "pathetic" and "worse than a woman".

He said: "I've enjoyed my life but I've had enough."

Hamid interrupted him and said: "You show your aggressive side.

"I know you have the bottle.

You don't have to show us that.

Show us your intelligent side.

"I turned around and said to one of the brothers - you know what happened on the Tubes, right, how many altogether?

"Four people got shahada (martyred). How many people did they take out?"

Ahmet replied: "Fifty two."

Hamid said: "Fifty two - that's not even a breakfast for me."

Ahmet said: "I know it's not.

That's not even a breakfast for me. For me in this country, you understand me.

"Now, at the same time, how I look at it - I would take my breakfast and still be with my children and my wife and I'll be looking after them.

"Remember Jack the Ripper.

Remember people that never get caught.

"Don't let your anger go forward.

"Let your intelligence go forward for the sake of Allah.

"Use your hikma (wisdom) and be effective.

"See how many gets it. See how many you can take. At the same time see how long you can last out. Then, if you have to go, you're going for a good reason."

Abu Hamza was an occasional "special guest" of Hamid's group before being jailed for inciting murder and racial hatred.

During the camping Ahmet also praised Hizbollah, saying the Palestinian group was "killing some Yehudis (Jews) - which is good, bruv".

Hamid, from Clapton, east London, denies providing weapons training, five counts of soliciting murder, three counts of providing training for terrorism and one count of having a record of information likely to be useful to a terrorist.

Ahmet, from Lewisham, south-east London, has admitted three counts of soliciting murder.

Hamid is standing trial alongside four other defendants who each deny all the offences they face related to allegations of terrorism.

The trial continues.