A FORMER Royal Ballet star has been jailed for 10 years for sexually abusing young dance pupils he was teaching.

Stephen Beagley, 62, had been due to face trial at Lewes Crown Court, but at a hearing on 21 October he admitted five counts of sexual assault, two charges of indecent assault and one of causing a child to engage in sexual activity.

Wearing a grey sweater and shirt and dark trousers, Beagley wept in the dock as he was jailed for 10 years.

He had a position as dance teacher at a prep school but also offered private tuition to young girl dancers outside school.

After gaining their trust he would visit their homes and help prepare them for exams and auditions.

Lewes Crown Court was told the abuse spanned much of Beagley's teaching career and took place during private ballet lessons.

He had recently been living in Gravesend but was living in Wadhurst, East Sussex, at the times of the offences.

He will also be a registered sex offender for life and was given a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO), severely restricting his access to anyone under-18 young girls until further court notice.

Judge Christine Laing heard that Beagley's offending spanned some 13 years.

Detective Sergeant John Steven of the East Sussex Safeguarding Investigations Unit said, “This was complex investigation of historic allegations carried out with the support of the victims and alongside partner agencies.

"Beagley was a trusted and well known man in his local community in East Sussex, and around the world in performing and teaching ballet.

"The offences began to come to light for the first time just over two years ago when one of the victims, by then an adult and who had lived with her distressing experiences for many years, finally gained courage and spoke to the police.

"She described how Beagley had sexually abused her for five years between the ages of nine and 12."

Beagley has not been found guilty of any offences taking place during ballet or dance lessons in relation to this victim,

John Steven added: "The second victim came forward soon after the first, describing similar periods of abuse starting when she was aged just 12, on one occasion during a private ballet lesson, and the third victim described being assaulted by Beagley while visiting his then address as a teenager in 2009, though not in relation to ballet or dance lessons.

"Beagley targeted the young girls he came into contact with, and abused them while they were at their most vulnerable, over many years. I am glad that the victims had the courage, strength and commitment to come forward and remain resilient through this investigation, ensuring the justice achieved today.

“Sussex Police take all allegations of sexual abuse seriously and this case is further evidence that, even when allegations are historic, or when people may think it is too late, justice can still be done.”