AN UNINSURED motorcyclist lost control and crashed following a high speed pursuit.

Police have released this video to highlight the serious risks associated with dangerous driving, and in particular, speeding.

The footage shows the rider reaching speeds in excess of 70mph through the town centre as he attempts to evade capture on 22 April.

During the pursuit, he loses control of the Yamaha on at least three occasions and is eventually detained after coming off his bike in Elphinstone Road.

Watch what happened here: Roads Policing Unit officers first became aware of the vehicle after it showed as having no insurance.

They pulled up alongside the rider – Omar Dawoodi, 24, a barber, of London Road, St Leonards – and asked him to pull over, at which point he accelerated away through a red light.

Following his arrest, Dawoodi was charged with dangerous driving, failing to stop when required by police, driving with no insurance and driving without a valid licence.

At Lewes Crown Court on Wednesday, October 9, he was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment, suspended for 18 months, and ordered to pay a £115 victim surcharge. He was also disqualified from driving for 12 months and must carry out 120 hours of unpaid work.

Sergeant Stacey Ellott, of the Sussex Roads Policing Unit, said: “The vast majority of motorcyclists are safe and responsible riders, but there is no excuse for this sort of behaviour. We will actively pursue any motorist suspected of breaking the law and we will deal with offenders robustly.

“Our roads policing officers are highly skilled and receive regular driver training, and a pursuit will only be authorised following a dynamic risk assessment.

“Had Dawoodi complied with our orders and pulled over at the first opportunity, he would have been given six points on his licence and a £300 fine for riding with no insurance. However, he was clearly intent on evading capture, which made the situation a whole lot worse for him.

“In addition to a 12-month disqualification, he was also sentenced to a suspended jail term and must also carry out 120 hours of unpaid work. We hope this sentence will make him think twice about committing the same offences again, and encourage others to continue to ride safe and responsibly on our roads.”