A PENSIONER has been fined and accused of displaying a fake blue badge despite owning a legitimate one.

Former army pilot Esam Yousif was fined £70 by Brighton and Hove City Council after it accused him of not displaying a valid blue badge in a disabled bay.

The Hove man paid the fine and after an appeal lasting six months, the council said it would not be charging him for blue badge fraud.

But, despite admitting it did not have enough evidence to prove the fraud in a criminal court, it is now refusing to pay back the £70 to the 74-year-old.

A council spokeswoman said the appeal was investigated and rejected by the council and an independent tribunal.

Mr Yousif, who was injured in two aeroplane crashes while serving in the Iraqi Airforce, said he is happy to prove his innocence in a criminal court.

He was fined after parking in Clarendon Road on January 31.

Mr Yousif, who came into the UK fleeing the regime of Saddam Hussain, is adamant he was using a valid blue badge at the time of the fine.

He said: “They say if you don’t pay there will be more problems.

“I thought you were innocent until proven guilty, but what they are saying is, ‘you’re guilty until you prove yourself innocent’.”

Mr Yousif said he has been to Hove Town Hall four times this year to protest his innocence.

He said: “My doctor says I shouldn’t get distressed as it could kill me.

“I’ve been stressed for nearly a year now.

“There is nothing wrong with my badge. It is legitimate.”

Four days earlier, in a separate occasion, he was issued an incorrect ticket – but this was “cancelled immediately”.

A Brighton and Hove City Council spokeswoman said: “A Penalty Charge Notice was issued on 31 January due to his vehicle being parked in a disabled bay and not displaying a valid Blue Badge.

“Subsequent appeals were investigated and rejected by the council and the independent Traffic Penalty Tribunal.

“This fine has now been paid and there are no outstanding charges against this vehicle.”