THE British Government has been accused of providing "no support" in the search efforts to find Amelia Bambridge.

A petition created by her friend and signed by more than 2,000 people claims searchers have been "without a good translator for days now" and it could hinder "our chances of bringing her home".

The 21-year-old backpacker from Worthing disappeared from a beach party in the island of Koh Rong last week.

A spokesman for The Foreign and Commonwealth Office responded:  “Amelia’s family have our deepest sympathies at this very difficult time.  

"Our staff have been providing in-person assistance to them on Koh Rong island, and maintaining close contact with the Cambodian authorities searching for Amelia."

Police have quizzed six men over the disappearance of a backpacker.

Her family from Worthing have flown out to help search for her, including her mum Linda, dad Phil, and brother Harry.

The AFP news agency has reported that as many as 200 army, navy and police personnel have scoured the island in the south of the country to find the former BHASVIC student.

The agency reported one senior police source in the search party as saying there is now "little hope" she will be found alive.

Today, the police chief for the area where Ms Bambridge was last seen said he believed she has drowned.

Major general Chuon Narin, police chief for Preah Sihanouk province, said that searches of the island and in the Gulf of Thailand failed to provide any information about her disappearance.

However, he said that land and sea searches will continue until she is found.

The petition, called "The Foreign and Commonwealth Office aren't helping us find Amelia!? Help us make them listen!", reads: "We are starting a petition to reach out to the UK Government and plead they help support us to find Amelia Bamdrige, 21, from Worthing UK.

"She has been missing for now nearly a week from Koh Rong Island, Cambodia, and her family are running the whole entire operation over there. 

"We have had no support from our own UK Parliment and currently have been without a good translator for days now. 

"This is proving difficult to transfer information to the family and we fear this could hinge our chances of safely bringing her home. 

"It is the duty of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to stand up for British people in need, wherever they are in the world and as of yet, they’ve not done anything of the sort. Please sign!

"She is a daughter, a sister, and friend to so many. She is SOMEBODY! Every minute that passes is hell for everyone around her and detrimental to her safety. Please help us find Amelia!"