CONCERNS about drug dealing around flats has spurred council tenants to ask for action.

Residents representatives for Robert Lodge, in Whitehawk Road, Brighton, raised concerns about antisocial behaviour.

A Brighton and Hove City Council housing panel was told they feared one flat had been taken over by “cuckoos” – drug dealers who move into a vulnerable person’s home and use them to deliver drugs.

Neighbours have called for action from the council’s housing department after numerous all-night parties and several police raids.

Despite tenant representatives saying they had complained, housing officials said they had not received any reports of cuckooing, drug-dealing, parties or any other drug-related antisocial behaviour.

Housing manager Rachelle Metcalfe said cuckooing was considered a high priority by Sussex Police and the housing team but they needed residents to report issues in detail. She said: “In order to take action against someone’s tenancy, we need written evidence from witnesses with details of times, dates and details of the incidents they have witnessed.

“We will then work with witnesses and other agencies to tackle the problem.

"If we have sufficient evidence, we have options for taking enforcement action, including serving a notice of seeking possession, the first step in eviction proceedings, making an application to the county court for an injunction or making an application for a closure order.”