RESTORATION works on a historic seafront building have been delayed again.

Work on refurbishing Shelter Hall on Brighton seafront originally began in October 2015 and was due to be completed by the end of this year.

But now it is expected it will not be finished until early next year due to “small design issues” which need resolving.

A spokesman for Brighton and Hove City Council said the 19th century building requires special materials and there have been delays in supplying these items.

The spokesman said: “The project is all on track but, because of the specialist nature of the building, there have been delays in the supply of some materials.

“With a showpiece building of this kind it is important that we take the time to make sure everything is right.”

When work is complete, the historic building in King’s Road Arches is expected to be let to seafront traders.

“Discussions have been very positive and we are going through the final details with the prospective tenants,” said the city council spokesman.

“We’re expecting all spaces to be let.”

The new Shelter Hall will be two storeys tall and contain a restaurant and a shop.

A new rotunda on the upper promenade will also provide cafe space.