THE teenager who terrorised motorists, shoppers and pedestrians on his BMX made an apology online.

Keith Mujuru, 19, posted his videos on YouTube as Wheelie Kay, where he has more than 100,000 followers.

But in a video he admitted he had caused a storm with his post of the rampage at the Asda store at Brighton Marina and through the city.

He told followers that BMX riding is popular and more space needs to be provided. He said: “I know it’s dangerous, I understand that.

“As kids we need to do something that gives us proper adrenaline and keeps ourselves happy.

“But for all the bad stuff in that video, I apologise.”

Mujuru, of Law Street, Southwark, right, said he only makes videos to “inspire people and teach them new tricks” and help views be “motivated”.

He deleted a video showing his gang riding through the city against traffic while performing wheelies on their bikes. The footage also showed staff calling for security in the Asda store.

In a statement Asda said: “It was totally unacceptable and while we were relieved that none of our customers were injured, we will not tolerate this kind of behaviour in our shops.

“Our colleagues acted quickly to remove the trespassers from the store within a matter of minutes and we would like to reassure our customers that there have been no further incidents of this nature.”

The incident on June 23 also sparked debate online. Mujuru said he has received a “lot of hate” after his video went viral.

At Crawley Magistrates’ Court he said his mum would pay a £880 fine after he admitted dangerous cycling and threatening and abusive behaviour.

On Facebook, Argus reader Michelle Clough said: “I think where applicable he’s gonna be making the tea, washing up, washing the car, mowing the lawn and walking the dog, etc, for his mum indefinitely.”

Asif Qadir said: “I hope he learned his lesson and hopefully he will turn over a new leaf.”

Katie Louise Jones posted: “If I was his mother I wouldn’t give giving him a penny.”