POLICE confiscated a baseball bat with nails in it as part of a crackdown on knife crime.

The force increased patrols in town centres and identified “antisocial behaviour hotspots” where they seized several weapons, including a home made knife.

Sussex Police officers also carried out test purchases across the county.

Police cadets worked with Trading Standards to try and buy a knife in 39 different shops, despite the fact they were “clearly under the age of 18”.

Five stores failed the test and police warned a further failure will result in them being named and either fined or prosecuted.

The crackdown, part of Operation Sceptre, took place between September 16 and 22.

Throughout the week members of the public were encouraged to dispose of knives in the forces’ knife amnesty bins placed at police stations across Sussex.

All weapons which were handed in will now be destroyed.

Superintendent Ed De La Rue said: “Operation Sceptre gives us the opportunity to talk about knife crime in an open and honest way.

“I find it extremely encouraging that so many of you felt you could open up and speak to us about this issue, sharing your thoughts and experiences as part of the local community.

“Whilst we did increase our activity during this week of action, our activity to combat knife crime is part of everyday policing.

“We always have amnesty bins in police stations where you can drop off your dangerous and unwanted blades and we will continue to work with our partners to take positive action when knife crime occurs.”

Katy Bourne, Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner added: “The Operation Sceptre campaign raises awareness of the consequences of knife crime and provides opportunities for young people to discuss what might motivate them to carry one.

“It is also reassuring that ‘test purchases’ are carried out by Sussex Police to find out exactly how knives are being made accessible to young people.

“Hopefully this activity will serve as a reminder to business owners that they too have a responsibility in the fight against knife crime.”

A Sussex Police spokesman said: “If you need to talk to someone anonymously, Crimestoppers can be reached on 0800 555 111.

“As always, you can report online or via 101. In an emergency, always call 999.”