VEGAN protesters have chained themselves to a town hall as part of a campaign for an animal bill of rights.

Several members of Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) Brighton are currently locked to Brighton Town Hall in Bartholomew Square.

They have been there since yesterday afternoon and said they "will be there for the foreseeable future".

This follows a string of protests at restaurants in the city yesterday evening in which the group claims one of its members was struck in the face.

The group said these acts were part of a "global lockdown".

A spokeswoman for DxE Brighton said: "Activists around the world are locking down on government buildings, farms and slaughterhouses, all demanding that there be an animal bill of rights.

“These activists are asking for support for this bill from Brighton and Hove City Council.

“It is about getting people active for animals.

“These people do not want to be doing this, but animals need us to take action. 

“Their lives are on the line the day they are born, as the day they will be murdered is already set.

“So the least we can do is get out of our comfort zone and campaign against violent behavior such as eating animals’ body parts, or using animals for any reason.

“Activists are currently locked to Brighton Town Hall demanding an animal bill of rights. 

“With heavy chain padlocked around their necks they are part of a global lockdown calling for Rose’s Law. 

“Rose’s Law is an animal bill of rights, which extends the following to all animals; the right to be rescued, the right not to be killed or abused by humans, the right to have their interests represented, the right to a protected home and the right to be free and not owned or have a guardian acting in their best interest.”

A Sussex Police spokesman said: “Today several activists have chained themselves to the exterior of Brighton town hall.

“Police are investigating and are meanwhile monitoring the situation.

“Currently no arrests have been made but if criminal acts are found to have taken place, appropriate action will be taken.”