AN ACTIVIST claims she was struck in the face as she protested at a city centre restaurant.

Members of animal rights campaign group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) Brighton were protesting in Pizza Express in Prince Albert Street when the incident happened.

Activists entered the chain restaurant yesterday evening carrying signs and chanting.

READ MORE: Vegan protesters chain themselves to town hall to campaign for animal bill of rights

Sussex Police say it has been reported that one protester was “punched by a customer” and others were “thrown to the ground”.

The protest was captured on video by a fellow protester.

READ MORE: DxE's 40-year plan to 'force animal eaters to hide in remote refuges'

A spokeswoman for the group said: “We must stand together against speciesism, but some are not ready to hear our message of equality and justice. 

The Argus:

“Today, whilst bringing this message to diners at the chain restaurant, we were violently attacked. 

“It is not surprising that those consuming violence are quick to partake in it too.

“This kind of response will not deter us, we will not back down in the face of repression; not by the public, not by the police nor the industries they protect.”

Speciesism is “the assumption of human superiority leading to the exploitation of animals”.

Police are investigating the claims.

A Sussex Police spokesman said: “Incidents involving animal rights activists at several restaurants in Brighton on Sunday evening in which protesters with megaphones chanted slogans at diners, have been reported to police.

“It was alleged that at one establishment a protester was punched by a customer, and at another activists were thrown to the ground.”

Today the group has also organised protests in the city. 

A spokeswoman for DxE Brighton said: “The Pizza Express is just around the corner from the Brighton Town Hall which activists are currently locked to, demanding an animal bill of rights. 

“With heavy chain padlocked around their necks they are part of a global lockdown calling for Rose’s Law. 

“Rose’s Law is an animal bill of rights, which extends the following to all animals; the right to be rescued, the right not to be killed or abused by humans, the right to have their interests represented, the right to a protected home and the right to be free and not owned or have a guardian acting in their best interest.”

A Sussex Police spokesman said: “Today several activists have chained themselves to the exterior of Brighton town hall.

“Police are investigating and are meanwhile monitoring the situation.

“Currently no arrests have been made but if criminal acts are found to have taken place, appropriate action will be taken.”