A MAN had to be put into an 'induced coma' after smashing up shops and cars as he ‘went on a rampage’ in a busy street early this morning.

Witnesses say the "crazed" man "went berserk" as he ripped bricks from a wall and threw them through windows on Coombe Terrace at about 5am.

The windows of some houses in the area have been left smeared with what looks like blood.

The Argus:

A Sussex Police spokesman said: "Just after 5am we received reports of a man behaving in a dangerous manner northward along Lewes Road, Brighton, running in the road, throwing wheelie bins and other objects around and smashing a car windscreen. 

"Officers attended and at 5.40am a man was detained while trying to get into a car outside an address nearby.

"He was arrested on suspicion of public order offences and criminal damage, and was taken to hospital to be treated for injuries.

"He has been placed in an induced coma, but at this time his identity has not been established and police are keen to hear from anyone who may know him or be able to identify him. 

"Once discharged from hospital he will be detained in custody for interview and further enquiries." 

Police have asked anyone who has any information on the incident or might be able to identify the man to report it online or call 101 quoting serial 126 of 10/04. 

The early morning rampage woke many residents in the area who witnessed the incident.

One said: "My boyfriend and I were woken up at about 5 in the morning by a loud shouting then there was a big smash.

The Argus:

"A guy punched through the glass in our front door then started to try and break through the second door which is solid wood.

"It's lucky he didn't get through or I don't know what would have happened.

"You can see still his blood on some of the windows."

Pictures and video from the scene opposite Aldi on Lewes Road show glass scattered in the street and a number of front doors which have been smashed.

The Argus:

The resident added: "My boyfriend shouted through the door that we had called the police and he yelled 'ooh s***' and ran away.

"It was all over in about 15 minutes.

"It took about eight officers to stop him."

Another resident, who witnessed the incident, said: "He was throwing bins at the traffic and trying to get hit by cars.

"The police were really quick to respond, and I’m just glad no one was hurt.

"He did seem to be angry or upset at something.

"It looked like he just wanted to cause himself pain and wasn’t stopping even when the police arrived."

The man also tried to break through several car windscreens of cars in the street.

One witness said he attempted to get into a car despite the fact that there was already someone inside.

The council has been boarding up the broken windows this morning.

One witness said: “It started outside my house at 5am. He smashed my mum’s windscreen and the neighbours’ is broken.

The Argus:

“He threw a bottle through it and then ran on Lewes Road, smashing people’s living room windows, front doors and shop windows.

“He also ripped bricks from a brick wall and used them to put windows through.”

Another witness said: "The man looked angry and was hitting himself in the head.

"You can see some red on the window where it is smashed, which I think is blood.

"Maybe from his hand when he punched through it."

More as we have it…