A NEGOTIATOR was called to a set of cliffs after a young woman was seen sitting on the edge.

The 23-year-old remained on the cliff edge for more than three hours on Friday evening.

A Sussex Police spokesman said: “Police and a street triage nurse were called to a report of a woman sitting on the cliff edge above Brighton Marina at 8pm on Friday evening.

“A specialist negotiator was also deployed to the scene and the woman eventually moved away from the cliff edge at 11.15pm.”

The spokesman continued: “A 23-year-old woman from Brighton was arrested on suspicion of wasting police time and later released without charge.”

A passerby, who did not wish to be named said: “I was driving to Brighton at about 10pm and I saw police driving towards the cliffs.

“When I came back at about 11pm there were about six police cars at the top of the cliffs and the area was taped off. “I couldn’t see any more than that.”