A PUB has been reopened after a six-figure refurbishment.

The Setting Sun in Windmill Street, Brighton, has flung open its doors following a five week, £314,000 revamp by its new licensees, Fynn Chamberlain and Kathryn Joyce.

The pair invited a select few residents from the surrounding streets in Hanover for a sneak preview of the pub and said they were “delighted” with the response.

Fynn said: “Everyone loved the new look and our plans for The Setting Sun. It was a real pleasure to meet our neighbours and to say thank you for putting up with the noise and disruption during the building work. We’re really looking forward to becoming part of the community and to hosting our first event - a children and family Easter egg hunt over the Easter weekend.”

One of the people invited to the preview was Brighton Kemptown MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle.

He said: “It’s great to see investment in The Setting Sun, new jobs being created and the pub opening its doors once again.

“As a member of the All Party Parliamentary Group for pubs I value the wealth pubs bring to local communities and I am glad that this investment ensures this pub has been secured for years to come.

“Investment in itself though isn’t enough, they also need people like Fynn and Kathryn to breathe new life into them and create the sort of warm and welcoming environments we all love. I wish them well.”

Residents said they couldn’t wait for the pub to reopen.

Nicola Demelge, a book keeper based in the Hanover area of Brighton, said: “It’s nice to see The Setting Sun being championed when Brighton has lost so many pubs.

“The Setting Sun was one of the places you could enjoy the last rays of sun. I think it had lost its way in recent years but, having seen it, it looks like it is going to be fantastic again.

“The hill also now has decent food, something that has been sadly missing till now.”

Miss Demelge praised the pub for interacting with people in nearby streets and becoming part of the area’s community.

She said: “There’s been a lot of excitement locally as people have been eager to see what is happening.

“The community vibe Fynn and Kathryn are creating at The Setting Sun is very much needed and welcomed by us all.”

The pub plans to introduce home-cooked pub food and barista style coffee, bi-monthly quizzes and, from May, open mic nights. Later in the summer they will introduce regular artist fairs for the many local Hanover based artists to showcase and sell their art.