Drum Legends

Brighton Dome, Brighton

Friday, April 12

If you’ve ever wanted to hear hits from legendary bands Cream, Scorpions and the Spencer Davis Group on one night then Drum Legends has got you covered. The men behind the drum kits of those three bands, Ginger Baker, Herman Rarebell and Pete York will be put centre stage to showcase their talents. Jamie Walker spoke to former Scorpions drummer Rarebell, who now lives in Brighton, to find out what music fans can expect.

Hi Herman, a lot of our readers may be surprised to know you live in Brighton. What brought you here to begin with?

In 2000 I came to England with the idea of living here, the same as Michael Schenker [former guitarist of U.F.O and Scorpions].

He is the one that got me the gig in Scorpions in the first place.

I then returned in 2008 and lived in the apartment I’d lived in during 1977 in Notting Hill Gate.

The rent now was a lot bigger than back when I first lived there.

My friend suggested I check out Brighton.

I’d been a huge Quadrophenia fan so I had seen the Brighton Palace Pier in Quadrophenia and I know the history of the city – I knew Brighton was the best rock place.

I drove down here and got shown a house in Kemp Town and it was perfect.

I’ve been here ever since, this is my 11th year.

And how have you enjoyed your decade here?

I was rehearsing in a studio in Kemp Town and one day, when I’d been here three or four months, I walked along the beach and there’s a guy walking towards me.

I said to myself “that looks like Michael Schenker” and as he gets nearer he says hello.

He told me he was living in the city as well and I couldn’t believe it.

That’s the whole reason my other band Michael Schenker’s Temple of Rock got started – all thanks to Brighton.

I played with them until 2016, when he decided to move on with more solo material.

I simply love it here, for me it’s the perfect place.

What is your favourite thing about Brighton?

For me, coming from Germany, I like the mild weather.

In Bavaria we have huge amounts of snow during the winter and when I told my wife we have mild weather instead she didn’t believe me.

I also like that everywhere in Brighton shows good rock music, there are so many good bands here at all different venues.

As a rock musician this is a perfect place.

I’m so impressed with all the art schools and language schools, it’s such an international place.

So let’s talk about Drum Legends. How did this all come about?

Myself and Pete York had played Drum Legends before, in 2005.

This year we’ve added Ginger Baker to the line-up.

We each play about 30 minutes of material from our past.

I’ll definitely be playing some big Scorpions songs like Rock You Like A Hurricane.

We’ll each have a drum solo too and we’d also love to do a drum battle.

As well as doing the hit songs we want to showcase our drumming and show what we are all about.

My set at least will be a complete rock set, six or seven songs and a solo.

Then the other two will also do their sets. Each drummer will have their own musicians too.

It’s a very big tour in terms the amount of people you’re bringing.

Well it will be a very big and interesting show.

Each of us have a long history in music, people know who we are.

The hardest thing was to get Ginger to play the Cream songs again.

He’s very into his jazz fusion at the moment but I told him that playing a show like drum legends means we had to play our big rock hits.

For yourself, being in Scorpions and Temple of Rock, how does this show compare to rock shows you’ve played before?

Well for the first time the drummers will be sitting up front and centre.

When I’ve played with someone like Michael Schenker we work together really well.

But with Drum Legends it’s a bigger challenge to be at the centre and be up in comparison with Pete and Ginger.

I think our audience may be a bit older but it will be a journey back in time to some great rock music.

Have you seen shows at Brighton Dome before?

Yeah I have and I love the stage it’s very wide.

I think it’s the perfect stage for three drummers and for three bands.

I can’t wait to play the Dome.

The acoustics are excellent as well. I have a good feeling that the concept will be a great fit for the venue.