PIERS Morgan is calling for a “non-stop global gay orgy” at hotels owned by the Sultan of Brunei.

This week, the Sultan, who owns many hotels in the UK, introduced strict new Islamic laws which would see gay sex punishable by death.

In response, the Sussex-born TV presenter branded the leader as the “Sultan of Bigotry”and is now calling for gay men and women to book every room in his hotels.

He said: “Let’s have at least three gay weddings a day, every day, every month, in every hotel. Make the Sultan of Bigotry’s collection a magnificent monument to gay marriage.

“Imagine how humiliated and small he would feel if his hotels became the very epicentre of gay pride and culture; if every inch of every place he owns from London to Paris to LA reverberated with joyous celebration of living, breathing, fornicating homosexuality.

“Then imagine if social media blew up on a daily basis with endless photos and videos from this non-stop global gay orgy of fun and frivolity – all with ecstatic messages personally thanking the Sultan of Bigotry for his hospitality?

“He would go absolutely nuts, wouldn’t he?”

The new measure, which came into force yesterday, means homosexuals would be stoned to death under the barbaric regulation.

Lesbian sex will now carry a penalty of 40 strokes of the cane and/or ten years in jail.

Celebrities including Elton John and George Clooney have called for a complete boycott of the Sultan’s nine hotels in the US and Europe.

The Sultan owns The Dorchester, a five-star luxury hotel in Park Lane, London.

He also owns 45 Park Lane in London and Coworth Park in Ascot.

Mr Morgan said: “I mean, losing a few million dollars from a boycott means nothing to a man reportedly worth 50 billion dollars.

“But turning him into the Sultan of Gayness would be a punishment so unbearable for him that he might, ironically, end up stoning himself to death just to end the excruciating misery and shame such a label would bring.”

Homosexuality was already illegal in Brunei and was punishable by up to ten years in prison.

Brunei has always had the death penalty but it has not carried out an execution since 1957. The Dorchester Collection, which manages the Sultan’s hotels, said in a statement on Twitter that it ‘does not tolerate any form of discrimination’.