A NEW report says Brighton is the UK’s most successful seaside community and that should make us proud.

Not only is our city a thriving hub for new and exciting businesses, but it has an unique identity that nowhere else can match.

What other British cities can you think of that have quirky independent shops coexisting alongside up-and-coming tech companies?

It’s hard to imagine institutions like Snooper’s Paradise and Vegetarian Shoes existing anywhere else but Brighton.

Though our city has problems, and with a heated local election coming up this is more obvious than ever, it’s important that we don’t forget what makes it so great in the first place; our welcoming attitude and our willingness to be different.

The main author of the report, former council head Lord Bassam, said Brighton’s “diversity and lifestyle appeal” are key to what gives our city its buzz, and he couldn’t have been more right.

Let’s not get lazy, though.

Just because we’ve been recognised for our achievements doesn’t mean we can’t improve Brighton further, and that’s something everyone can get on board with.

Our population is set to rise by almost 30,000 to more than 300,000 by 2030. While that shows Brighton is in demand, it also represents a big challenge for us in the future to keep our city improving.

Whether it’s donating to local heritage organisations or volunteering with homeless charities, there are plenty of ways we can all help our city prosper. After all, a city never truly thrives unless all of its citizens feel the benefits.