AS A DEDICATED Brexiteer, I obviously disagree with Kenny Lloyd’s recent letters.

I have not responded before now because I know that seventeen and a half million people also disagree with him.

However, I must now challenge him. He is quite right, as things stand at the minute, Brexit could well be a total disaster, but that is not the fault of us Brexiteers.

The fault likes with our socalled MPs who, according to Tony Blair, know far more than us ignorant people who elect them into Parliament.

The fault of any impending disaster is because our MPs are so busy fighting among themselves that they haven’t time to negotiate what is in the best interests of the British people.

It is not the fault of us Brexiteers that after nearly three years our MPs have not been able to agree a deal with Europe.

Kenny Lloyd needs to take a step back and look at our history to understand why we are in this mess.

Back in 1975, I along with many others voted to stay in the European Common Market, a free trade zone. Nothing more, nothing less.

We were told by both Ted Health and Harold Wilson that this did not involve any loss of sovereignty.

At no time did the British people ever give Parliament any mandate or authority to sign away our sovereign independence, and allow us to be governed by a foreign national parliament that has no concern at what is or is not in the best interest of the British people.

Having been democratically rejected by both the Dutch and the French, its name was changed to the Lisbon Treaty and forced onto the British people against our will.

To add insult to injury, Parliament had the audacity to tell us that it was a different treaty, when it is exactly the same treaty under a different name.

This has been admitted by more than one of the MEPs. We are in this mess because MPs have treated the electorate with total and utter contempt.

Nothing will change until our MPs realise that they are our servants, not the other way round.

Stuart Bower, Hallyburton Road, Hove