1. FROM the north of Pines car park, follow a path parallel with the B2026 on the left. This is part of the Vanguard Way, a 66 mile route from East Croydon to Newhaven; look for VGW waymarks.

In three-quarters of a mile, cross the road to the right of a car park. Bear right for 400 yards to Gills Lap (Milne’s Galleon’s Leap). There is an Ordnance Survey triangulation pillar by the clump of trees (The Enchanted Place) to the right.

Turn left off the main track, continue on the VGW downhill in a north-westerly direction. Cross a wide track and continue downhill, bear around to the left and turn right downhill to a lane. Turn left to go over a bridge on the left of a ford known as Newbridge Splash.

2. Turn right along the road going uphill and, in 350 yards, leaving the VGW, turn right by a fingerpost on a footpath going downhill towards a white weather-boarded building at Newbridge Mill. Go through a gate, cross a footbridge, bearing left through a garden to go over another.

Cross a field to the farther left-hand corner and go through a field-gate. Continue across three more fields, going through a field-gate and over two stiles to a lane. Turn left, then right for half a mile.

3. Where the lane bears right by Andbell House, go straight along a bridleway for 150 yards. At a marker post with the word “bridge”, turn left on a footpath downhill through a kissing-gate, across a field and through another.

Bear left, continuing downhill, through a hand-gate and, at a fingerpost, turn left on a bridleway track. Cross a wide bridge and follow “bridge” marker posts to the Pooh Sticks Bridge.

4. Play the customary game then return to the track. Gradually ascend to where our outward route joined this bridleway and turn left by a fingerpost onto a footpath in a north-easterly direction. Following a short distance in woodland, go over a stile and along the left-hand field edge until a track with woodland is reached.

Turn right along the track. On coming to another track on the right, the correct line of the footpath is, as shown by a direction arrow, across an equestrian cinder track; an alternative route is shown keeping between the hedge on left and post and rails on right. Follow to the right to where the footpath meets and cross a stile to the road.

5. Turn left along the B2026 for 200 yards. Just past large driveway access mirrors, turn right into a clearing by Ashdown Forest sign to a sunken downhill footpath.

At a parting of ways, keep left to go over a footbridge, continue direction along the track. In a short distance after seeing open fields on the left, look for a green-painted metal gate and footpath plinth on the right.

6. Turn right on the Wealdway, a regional route of 83 miles from the River Thames at Gravesend to the coast at Eastbourne; look for WW waymarks. This is Five Hundred Acre Wood (Milne’s One Hundred). Ascend a steep incline and, where the main track bears left; go forward through a hand-gate onto the permissive footpath section of the WW.

Coming to an open area, veer right in a southerly direction on a track with woodland on the left for about half a mile. Where the track bears to the left, go straight ahead on the path under trees, then bear right onto a wide track. At a fork in the ways, where the WW veers right, follow the left-hand track for three-quarters of a mile back to the car park.