SWEET-TOOTHED burglars paused to steal children's chocolates during a break in.

Offenders forced open a back window to get into a bungalow in St Peter's Avenue, Peacehaven, while the family were out for the day.

Sussex Police believe the burglars struck between 3pm and 3.45pm on November 6 after spending a "significant" amount of time waiting outside.

During this period the suspects put on and removed high-visibility vests or jackets. Once inside, they stole a valuable Tag Heuer wristwatch and an i-Pad tablet.

Sweet wrappers from the chocolates were also found on the floor.

PC Mike Robinson said: "It is possible people living in the vicinity may have closed circuit television cameras pointing into the road outside.

"Passing motorists may have dash cam footage that could help identify the offenders.

"I'd ask anyone who can help in this way to get in touch without delay.

"I'd also appeal for anyone who noticed the suspects or any suspicious activity in St Peter's Avenue that afternoon to also come forward."

Anyone with information is asked to contact police online via sussex.police.uk or call 101, quoting serial 970 of 06/11.