A FOOTBALL agent behind the biggest transfer in history is set to be banned from driving after his Bentley was spotted speeding over 90mph.

Jonathan Barnett, 67, failed to turn up at court to answer the charges, instead choosing to fly to negotiate for a client in the USA.

Barnett, considered one of the most powerful agents in the sport, was the mastermind behind Gareth Bale’s then world-record £86 million transfer to Real Madrid.

Chairman of magistrates Geoff Allen reprimanded the agent for his absence, telling his solicitor: “It might seem trivial to him but it is extremely serious and everyone is expected to attend court, whether they are in high-powered jobs or at the lower end.”

Horsham Magistrates’ Court heard Barnett failed to tell police who was driving the Bentley Continental convertible at the time it was speeding on the A23 at Bolney.

The car used by his agency Stellar Football Ltd was caught by a speed camera at 82mph, exceeding the 70mph limit on the morning of November 24 last year. The convertible was then flashed again that afternoon at 92mph on the road that links Brighton and London.

Police later sent a notice to Barnett as CEO of Stellar Ltd to request the details of the driver but Barnett’s solicitors replied telling them he did not have the details of the chauffeur who was driving his agent son, Joshua Barnett, at the time. The letter read: “He is the director of a multi-million pound company. Why do you believe he could possibly know the identity of the driver?”

Elizabeth Green, prosecuting, said: “The obligation is on the company director to give details of the driver or any information that could help provide details of the driver.”

Barnett’s solicitor Barry Warburton told the court his client could not attend as he was completing a deal in the States to enable one of his clients to remain in a job.

Ms Green replied: “He should be treated just like everyone else. He had a court date and has chosen not to attend. He is no different from you or I.”

Barnett, of Norfolk Crescent, Bayswater, London, pleaded not guilty to two charges of speeding in motor vehicle and two charges of failing to give information relating to the identification of a driver, which carry six points each.

Mr Allen said: “He did not complete the form or sign it. We have not heard any evidence he took steps to identify the chauffeurs as per the solicitor’s letter. So I am satisfied the prosecution has proved their case beyond reasonable doubt and find him guilty on all charges.”

Barnett now faces being banned from the roads. Disqualification was adjourned to give him a chance to be present at the hearing.

The agent is no stranger to scandal. He was suspended and fined £100,000 by the Football Association for his part in organising the secret meeting between then Arsenal player Ashley Cole and Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho in 2005.

Barnett, who is known not to mince his words, was responsible for Bale’s move from Tottenham Hotspur to Real Madrid in 2013. He represents a host of leading footballers including Joe Hart and Luke Shaw.