THE Rampion Offshore Wind Farm yesterday announced its plans to inject £4 million into the community.

Sussex Community Foundation will take charge of the management side, with the Rampion Fund being invested into a range of projects across the county.

The wind farm, set to be completed next year, is owned by electricity providers E.On. Bosses also laid out plans to open a visitors’ centre in Brighton, near the arches next to the i360, in mid to late 2018.

Its charitable fund will be split in three ways: £3.1 million for projects which benefit the Sussex community; £800,000 on the visitors’ centre; and a £100,000 donation to RNLI stations in the county.

The project grants range from £1,000 to £10,000, with some extending to £50,000 for capital schemes.

Chris Tomlinson, development and stakeholder manager for the wind farm, said: “We’re delighted to be able to launch the Rampion Fund.

“Our aim is to make a real difference to people living in the area surrounding the wind farm and we hope many organisations will apply to the fund to support their local Sussex projects.

“We’re also happy to be able to announce the location of the Rampion visitor centre, due to open later next year.

“The newly refurbished seafront arches in Brighton were chosen due to their view of the wind farm, high footfall location and excellent public transport connections, as well as their size of floor space, which will allow us to house exhibitions and interactive displays for visitors to learn more about wind energy and discover the whole Rampion story.”

Rampion also intends to become involved with Sussex schools next year, offering students the chance to use the £800,000 visitors’ centre as a learning opportunity to help their studies. The site is currently being used as an art gallery.

Developers say Rampion has an “ongoing commitment” to the area, hence the continued investment into it.

The funding is primarily for projects with links to the environment and ecology, climate change and energy, and ones working to improve community facilities.

Kevin Richmond, chief executive of Sussex Community Foundation, said: “We’re pleased to be chosen to work with Rampion to help manage this community fund.

“This fund will have a very positive long-term impact for local charities and community groups.

“We are excited to be managing it and we will make sure that it reaches the local groups that most need the funding.”

The deadline for grant applications is January 12.

For more information and how to apply, go to