A primary school has unveiled a new long jump pit.

Denton Community Primary School in Denton, Newhaven, showed off the new pit – funded by a school-wide marathon – with a long jump session for pupils and parents.

Tania Buss, higher level teaching assistant, said: “The help received by everyone has made this project possible.

“The children couldn’t wait to use it.”

The idea came about after the parents’ forum and Fads (friends and associates of the school) decided to hold a whole-school marathon, the Denton Challenge, to raise funds.

It was so successful the school was able to build the long jump pit and buy new playground equipment.

This will enable the children to increase their activity levels throughout playtimes and lunch.

There were donations from local charity the James Daniels Foundation and Parker Building Supplies in Seaford.

The gifts meant work was quickly under way.

Parent Glen Merchant and his team from VGM Landscapes led the digging and construction and organisers of the Denton Challenge and the Fads team got stuck in.

The school was able to build a long jump pit measuring an impressive six metres by three metres.

Ms Buss said: “We have also been able to have a custom-made cover supplied and fitted expertly by our premises manager.”