THIS is how a town centre eyesore could be transformed if plans are given the go ahead.

The owners of the Teville Gate site in Worthing have already given it the new name of Station Square.

Now they have unveiled plans which will give it a whole new look.

If approved, the development would include more than 370 homes, a gym, supermarket, restaurants and a car park.

Mosaique, which owns the site, is holding a public consultation on the proposals to hear people’s views before finalising the plans.

Chief executive Aized Sheikh said: “This is a real opportunity to engage with the people of Worthing and to share with them the strength of our vision for the possibilities of this site.

“We have ensured that our vision is one that can be delivered – and I’m keen to learn what the community thinks.

“Every piece of reaction and feedback will help us refine the proposals and build a place for life and living in the heart of the town.

“We have tried to create something that is not too big and fits in with the environment around it.”

Mr Sheikh said the aim was to provide a place suitable for young families and professionals, particularly as there was a shortage of affordable homes in the town.

The restaurants would also mean the area would continue to be busy in the evenings.

He said he wanted to work with local businesses and restaurants to see how many would be interested in having a place on the site.

Mr Sheikh said the area would also be good for commuters using the nearby Worthing Station.

He said: “They would be able to pick up a coffee in the morning and then do their shopping in the evening.”

Mr Sheik said initial feedback appeared to be positive and subscriptions to the Station Square e-newsletter were increasing.

He said: “We are delighted with the public’s response – comments and suggestions received have been both been enlightening and helpful.”

The first consultation meeting will be held on Thursday at Worthing College in Sanditon Way from 6pm to 9pm.

The second is at Worthing Town Hall in Chapel Road on Friday from 4pm to 8pm.

Free public car parking is available at both sites.

People will be asked to share their views through a questionnaire available at the events and later online at

The online consultation will remain open during the weekend of November 11 and 12 to give the community ample opportunity to share their feedback.

The proposals will then be refined before a planning application is sent in to Worthing Borough Council.