A MARRIED couple who have taken on the running of an iconic theatre have been nominated for an Argus Community Stars Award.

Alex and Debbie Adams, of Eastbourne, have had their names put forward for the Contribution to Arts and Culture Award, sponsored by AVT, after they applied to Eastbourne council to take on the lease of the Royal Hippodrome Theatre.

The council is set to grant the request and hand them the management of the theatre that needs at least £1.4 million investment to restore the building.

Alex and Debbie have been involved in theatre for much of their lives and have been producing the Summer Season at the Hippodrome for the past five years.

They are well known locally and run their own theatre school for children aged 3-17.

Having fallen in love with the theatre they have said they have made it their aim to secure funding in order for the theatre to be returned to its former glory.

Despite improvements over the years, the theatre, built in 1883, remains in poor condition.

Alex Adams said: “We are very excited to be taking on responsibility for the Hippodrome and whilst it is going to be an ongoing project over many years, we know we will be able to breathe some life back into the building and make the theatre a prominent feature of the town.”

Cllr Margaret Bannister, Lead Portfolio Holder for Tourism and Enterprise, said: “The Royal Hippodrome Theatre is very much part of Eastbourne’s history and so we are delighted that a local couple is going to be involved in running it. This will protect the future of the theatre for generations to come.”