THREE more controlled parking zones may be on their way..

Near Hove Park a consultation will take place by next spring on plans for a “light touch” parking scheme.

It will cover an area where 62 per cent of survey respondents said they wanted such a scheme.

In West Hove a light touch scheme is scheduled to start in March, and traffic orders have been advertised detailing where restrictions would appear in the street.

And the council is asking residents near Queen’s Park whether they wish to join the neighbouring Zone S which is the light touch part of the Hanover and Elm Grove scheme launched on October 2.

A spokeswoman explained: “If an area petitions for a new parking scheme, these petitions are presented either directly or through ward councillors at committee.

“Members then decide whether to consult with a requested area.

“If agreed, consultation letters are sent to all residents in the area asking for their views on proposals. This street by street feedback in favour, or against, a scheme is presented back to committee.

“Where the majority of residents are in favour, committee members may agree to implement it.”