A TEENAGE boy was stabbed in his bottom and back in a night-time attack in the city centre.

Police were called to reports of a man being attacked in Charles Street, Brighton, at 8.40pm on Monday.

Officers arrived on the scene but found the 18-year-old victim in nearby George Street with minor stab wounds.

A shopkeeper in adjoining St James’s Street, who asked not to be named, said: “I thought it was a fire at first but then I saw that it was mainly police pulling up.

“I was standing outside the shop to see what was happening.

“Part of the street was full of traffic and cars were blocked off once the police arrived.

“Police cars and ambulances were parked in Manchester Street.

“I didn’t see anyone who was hurt but it sounded very serious.

“George Street was blocked off all day yesterday with police standing by tape across the road but I think that was a separate incident.”

The victim of the stabbing, from London, was taken to Royal Sussex County Hospital where he was treated for minor wounds.

Staff at nearby restaurants said they were asked by police if they had CCTV covering the area.

Andrew Dennison, owner of The Barbers Arms in Manchester Street, said: “It is getting out of hand with the sorts of people causing trouble and hanging around this part of Kemp town and near Morrisons.

“On this street we get a lot of people drinking and taking drugs.

“Without a doubt violence is part of the problem.

“There are some absolutely crazy arguments that go on in the street outside.

“I witness people injecting heroin near my shop.

“I want to see more bobbies on the beat as it were.

“People are stepping off St James’s Street to cause problems and know they are less likely to be seen or caught.”

Police are continuing to investigate the incident and no arrests had been made when The Argus went to print last night.

Anyone with information can contact police online quoting serial 1337 of 30/10.