CHILDREN were invited to meet their MPs at the Houses of Parliament to raise awareness of the ongoing funding crisis facing schools.

Fifteen pupils from schools across Brighton and Hove met MPs Caroline Lucas, Peter Kyle and Lloyd Russell-Moyle yesterday for tea and to watch politicians debate in the House.

Hundreds of schoolchildren took part in a competition to personalise their own Save Our Schools campaign poster to be in with the chance to visit Westminster.

Dorothy Stringer pupil Joshim Rahman Fry, 12, from Brighton, said: “Save Our Schools is a good campaign because it tells us what’s happening to our schools and shows us why politics is important.”

Alison Ali, a Save Our Schools campaigner and parent of eight-year-old twin daughters, joined Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell and Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable in addressing parents and school staff, encouraging them to continue the fight for more funding.

Ms Ali said: “It was a great day for us and the children. There were 15 children in the House of Commons when the debate was happening.

“Jeremy Corbyn seemed very interested in the questions raised by our campaign group. For our society to function well, we need our government to see the value in investing in, not slashing funds from, education.

“We need our government to see value not in the stream of half-lies and smoke and mirrors announcements we’ve been subjected to, but in listening to our teachers who have been telling them for years that the funding cuts to education are damaging our schools, our children and our future.”

This latest group action follows last week’s Rally Against School Cuts at the Emmanuel Centre in Westminster.