A TOWN council clerk sacked over an alleged VAT blunder and gross misconduct has now been hired as the chief officer of another local authority.

Sam Shippen was dismissed from her post as town clerk at Seaford Town Council in 2014 following claims of bullying, in-fighting and incompetence.

Ms Shippen has now been hired by Bicester Town Council as the authority’s chief officer, a very similar role to that of a town clerk.

Bicester Town Council’s leader, councillor Richard Mould, said: “She is the council’s chief officer.

“It was a committee decision to hire Ms Shippen.

“We are aware of that employment history but after that I would wish to make no further comment.”

An inquiry was launched into her work for the council in Seaford in January 2014, after Norman Baker, former MP for Lewes, listed 10 points of concern about how the council was operating.

They included “inappropriate delegations” handled by Ms Shippen, “huge delays” in dealing with “relatively simple” administrative matters, an “almost endemic failure to answer letters” and infighting in the controlling Tory group that was “costing the town dear” by causing by-elections following resignations.

Ms Shippen stepped down from her role in July that year during an internal investigation.

She was dismissed a couple of months later during her notice period for gross misconduct.

The main reason, according to sources at Seaford Town Hall, was because the council missed out on the opportunity to reclaim VAT worth £340,000 on building work being carried out at Seaford Head Golf Course.

An alleged administrative error led to the council fearing it would not be able to claim the money back in full.

HMRC eventually reimbursed the council for the full amount – but Ms Shippen was held to account for the “administrative error” and was relived of her role.

She launched a tribunal against the council on the grounds of unfair dismissal, but the case was thrown out in court.

When contacted by The Argus yesterday, Ms Shippen said: “I was appointed to the role of chief officer at Bicester Town Council following a full, open and robust process. I am unable comment on the process.

“I am thoroughly enjoying my role supporting this progressive and ambitious council and its excellent and dedicated councillors.”