THE undead invaded Brighton Palace Pier at weekend.

But fear not, the apocalypse is not upon us just yet.

Instead dozens of horror fans kicked off Halloween in style with spookily real make up and gore.

The walking dead amassed in Madeira Drive, before groaning and dragging themselves down the pier.

The zombie walk came as fright to many who were spotted doing double takes as they went about their weekend shopping.

Halloween was also being celebrated at other events across the city at the weekend, with October 31 falling on Tuesday.

Even our four-legged friends were getting involved, with dogs getting dressed up at their very own Howl-O-Ween event in Hove Park.

Shortly before 1pm dead brides, bloodied nurses and gory tree surgeons began arriving to the entrance of the pier.

The group then danced to the sounds of the Time Warp from The Rocky Horror Picture Show and then staggered off to the sounds of Michael Jackson’s Thriller through the crowds.

Dead bride Justine Bourne, 39, of Seven Dials, Brighton, scared many in her bloodied wedding dress with a bouquet and a severed hand in her mouth.

She said: “I love all things Halloween and zombies. It is like being a big kid and lots of fun. As much blood as possible.

“People have been laughing, but a few people were quite scared.”

Thankfully her fellow zombie Sarah-Kye Faulkner was on hand giving out jelly eyes to prove the walking dead really aren’t all bad.

Causing quite a fright holding his bowels was tree surgeon Steve Griffiths, 42, of Withdean, who had ‘gutted himself’ with his chainsaw. “It took about an hour and half to get ready today.”

Dead nurse Rory Kendrick, 30, of Peacehaven, with scissors sticking out of his head, certainly was not bringing anyone back to life in his bloodied scrubs.

The vicious rabble then made it to the pier’s haunted house ride, Horror Hotel, for a camera-shattering photograph.

Watching on was Laura Walker, 41, of Seven Dials, who said the zombie walk had got her in the Halloween spirit. The Cuckoo PR founder said: “The zombies look scarily-amazing, there are some cracking outfits. It has given me inspiration and set me up for my Halloween pub crawl.”

Brighton has a rich history of zombie uprisings with the Brighton Zombie Walk running for many years.

Alex Scarrot, from Brighton Palace Pier, said: “The zombie walk went really well, lots of zombies moaned and staggered up the pier.

“We really wanted to bring the event to Brighton Palace Pier and we succeeded, today was a successful event.”