CONCERN is growing for a man who has not been seen since he left an Accident and Emergency department.

Michael John James Wilder, left the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton on Friday night believed to be heading for the city centre.

The 42-year-old, of no fixed abode, is white, 5ft 7 and of slim build with blue eyes and short, blonde hair and a blonde beard. He has a northern accent and was wearing a navy blue jumper over a white T-shirt, with black trousers, black shoes and a rucksack.

He has multiple tattoos on both arms, with horns on the left and the Grim Reaper on his right, along with the names Mick and Emma. Michael is thought to be sleeping rough in Brighton. Anyone with information on his whereabouts should call Sussex Police on 101 quoting serial 988 of 27/10.