THREE men stole cash and jewellery from an elderly couple as they were watching television together.

The burglars burst into the couple’s house in Hamilton Close, Worthing, and took items of sentimental value from the home.

The couple, both in their seventies, were shaken after the incident, but not physically harmed.

One of the burglars wore a red and yellow scarf over his face while wielding a large Stanley screwdriver with a yellow and black handle.

All three men are described as white, in their mid-twenties, clean shaven with short brown hair, and about 5ft 9 or 5ft 10. One had blue eyes and was wearing a baseball cap and grey anorak, while the third was also wearing a baseball cap with an NYC logo on, and a dark scarf covering his lower face.

The incident happened at about 8.15pm on September 30.

Detective Constable Jo Duncan, of Worthing Investigations, said: “Officers searched the area and carried out house-to-house enquiries. Although this is thought to have been an isolated incident, additional patrols are continuing.”

Anyone with information should call Sussex Police on 101 quoting serial 1241 of 30/09.