A FUNDRAISING campaign has been launched to help pay for a dog’s wheelchair after she was run over by a car.

Kirsty Harding, a carer, from Moulsecoomb, Brighton, has set up a crowdfunding page with the goal of raising £500 for new equipment for her pet dog Lola.

Lola was badly injured by a car in Lewes Road, Brighton, on Friday.

She is now recovering after having her left front leg amputated at PDSA vets, near Preston Park, on Monday following a vet’s recommendation for her to be put down.

The 35-year-old owner said: “The driver drove off and left her badly injured.

“The vet wanted to euthanise Lola but I disagreed. I had previously read about doggy wheelchairs and feel this would be a great way for Lola to continue a long and happy life. The vet I spoke with agreed this would be a great idea.

“She is only five years old and is a big part of our family. She has a beautiful temperament and there isn’t a bad bone in her body.

“We can’t bear the thought of losing her especially when there is a way forward.

“One person has very kindly donated £100 for Lola.

“I am so grateful and overwhelmed by the support we have received so far for Lola.

“The money will pay for a wheelchair and other accessories to help her around the house.”

She added that the equipment will allow Lola to go out for long runs once she has fully recovered from the operation.

The full treatment Lola required, including her operation and aftercare, has cost around £1,000.

Ms Harding will donate any extra money raised through the crowdfunding page to PDSA.

She said: “The other problem we have is that her right leg was purposely broken by travellers when she was a small puppy.

“We rescued her at 11 weeks old and nursed her back to health. But due to the break being on the growth plate in the elbow, her leg stopped growing and now as we found out after her X-rays, she has arthritis which will cause her pain in the near future.

“She has been up and walking around and seems to be doing as well as she can on her remaining front dodgy leg.

“We have a few things in place to help support her weight on that leg until her wheelchair can be ordered.

“She would have to use the wheelchair for the rest of her life. It will mean the world to bring her home.”

Lola has been given methadone at the vets to keep her stable.

To donate, visit gofundme.com/wheel-chair-for-lola? donorname= melanie+heslop.