SCIENCE, technology, engineering and maths came alive at the Big Bang Fair at Worthing College.

The event was held to launch a new STEM Academy at the college.

Hundreds of young people had the opportunity to get an insight into careers and courses in science and engineering with an array of hands-on and interactive activities led by volunteer STEM ambassadors from local companies and universities.

They included GSK, Ricardo, Thales, Travel Places, HMRC Digital, GB Electronics, Northbrook MET, Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chichester University, University of Sussex, Royal Society of Chemistry, Institute of Physics and STEM Sussex.

Among the many attractions were a planetarium, a chemistry show, a wind tunnel and a helicopter simulator.

The fair also supported the launch of a new STEM Academy at Worthing College which was officially opened by Chris Coopey, president of the Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce.

In a speech, Mr Coopey explained why both national and local employers place such importance on the promotion of STEM subjects.

He thanked all the companies and organisations at the fair for taking the time to inspire and engage the next generation of scientists and engineers.

Julia Hoare, from Worthing College who organised the event, said: “The STEM Academy is designed to provide both our own students and other young people in the local area with the best resources and opportunities in the STEM arena to encourage them to study and follow career paths in these disciplines.

“It was great to see our own students and staff involved in demonstrating their knowledge and enthusiasm for STEM subjects to secondary school children from St Andrew’s, Chatsmore, Worthing High and Durrington.”

Paul Riley, principal of Worthing College, said: “I’d like to thank every single person involved in making this event such an inspiring and fascinating way to put the spotlight on STEM subjects, courses and career options.

“The governors and I believe the STEM Academy is going to create a real impact in broadening horizons and raising the aspirations of students in the local area.”

The event, which is one of a number of local Big Bangs leading up to the 2018 Big Bang Fair South East, was organised by Worthing College with STEM Sussex, the STEM outreach department of the University of Brighton, and Coast to Capital, a business-led collaboration between private, public and education sectors.

The Big Bang Fair South East 2018 will take place at the South of England Showground, Ardingly on June 27 and 28.

Part of the nationwide Big Bang Near Me programme, it is the biggest single celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths for young people in the UK.

Around 9,000 students and their teachers from across the region are expected to attend.