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From: Chris []

Sent: 23 October 2017 14:51

To: Peter Lindsey ; SX-News

Subject: Seaford Photographis Society


Seaford Photographic Society held its first set-subject print competitions of the season last week, on the themes of ‘Black & White’ and ‘People Portraits’, and as usual the standard of entries was very high.

In the Black and White category Jack Taylor took first place with his award-winning image entitled ‘Fun in the Snow’. This had already won a gold medal at last year’s prestigious KCPA Annual Exhibition but it is the first time he had entered it in a club competition. Second Place went to Kevin Smoker’s ‘Shadow Dancer’ and Garry Bisshopp took third with ‘The Support’, taken at London’s Broadgate Plaza.

Congratulations to Carol Adam who won both first and second prizes for her travel photography in the People Portraits competition. ‘Ashes and Beads’, a beautiful image of an Indian holy man, was taken at last year’s Camel Fair in Pushkar, and the delightful monochrome study of two young sisters was in a remote village in Nepal. Well done also to new member Brian Carter for his very creative third place ‘Maltese Lady’.


I have enclosed the following 6 JPGs:

Black and White Competition

1st Place  ‘Fun in the Snow’ by Jack Taylor DPAGB EFIAP

2nd Place  ‘Shadow Dancer’ by Kevin Smoker

3rd Place  ‘The Support’ by Garry Bisshopp ARPS EFIAP

People Portraits Competition

1st Place ‘Ashes and Beads’ by Carol Adam

2nd Place ‘Siblings’ by Carol Adam

3rd Place ‘Maltese Woman’ by Brian Carter

Chris Dawson – Seaford Photographic Society Publicity

01323 890189