POLICE are urging residents to be vigilant following reports of a suspicious caller.

The woman, thought to be between 30 and 40, called at two addresses in the Fiveways area of Brighton between 8pm and 9pm on Thursday last week.

On each occasions she told whoever answered the door that she needed to charge her phone which was out of battery.

Both addresses were near Blakers Park.

The resident of the first property closed the door on her.

However, at the second she was let in for a brief period before the occupant became wary of the circumstances and asked her to leave.

The woman is white, aged 30 
to 40, between 5ft 2in and 5ft 6in, slim, with red/ginger hair in a ponytail. 

She was soaking wet and without a coat.

While nothing is believed to have been stolen, officers are urging people in the area to remain vigilant and to report any suspicious activity online or call 101 quoting serial 1379 of 19/10.

Alternatively, you can visit the Crimestoppers website or contact the independent charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.